Articles, Listicles, Bionicles

I’ve added an Articles page to the menu! There’s not much there yet, but it’s been a while since I’ve had reason to write up long-form essays about things I care about. Right now, it’s just nerdy screeds about the Song of Ice and Fire tabletop game, but there’s a brief article on the basics of how to get into the game, and another article about the ins and outs of the Lannister faction, punched up in a fashion that I hope is entertaining even if you don’t care about the game. Hopefully I’ll gradually add to that section over time. I could probably write more about the game, for sure, but who knows. I can feel the rust shaking out of the hinges putting those articles together, as it has been a while.

Even Reddit has a limit to what it’ll allow you to write in one post!

As ever, I depend on support from Patreon, so support is always welcome.